"Science now performs miracles like the gods of old, creating life from blood cells, bacteria, or a spark of metal, but they are perfect creatures and in that way they couldn’t be less human.
There are certain things machines cannot do: they cannot possess faith; they cannot commune with God; they cannot appreciate beauty; they cannot create art.
If they ever learn these things, they won’t have to destroy us--they will be us."
Sarah Connor
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
1 comment:
It is interesting, but a bit confused. Most people would not attribute what she is talking about to "science," but instead "engineering." Science is about accumulated observation. I would even take it a step farther, however, and describe what she is doing as attempting to alienate humans from the technologies we have cleaved to ("cleave from what we have cleaved to?"). Funny thing is, the "old" religions were just as dependent upon technology. What is the Bible but a layering of multiple technologies (from oral mnemonics to scribe technology to print technology to translation to other forms of "performance" technologies in churches, etc.). The old religion has forgotten its cyborg roots. As the cylons say in Battlestar Galactica--"this has all happened before and will happen again."
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